
Luann Overmyer


My interest in Ortho-Bionomy Self Care began in response to my own injuries and near death experience following a motorcycle accident. Undergraduate studies in Pre-Med and a BA degree in psychology with a minor in education from UCLA in 1970 drew me to study modalities that not only could effectively relieve pain, but also would respect individual differences and address the mind / body connection. 
Luann Overmyer Ortho-Bionomy Expert in Florida
Ortho-Bionomy to relieve pain.
Stuart Florida Ortho-Bionomy
Currently, I am licensed as a massage therapist in Florida and am certified as a continuing education provider with the State of Florida and with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).
    I teach over thirty courses a year in the US and Australia, and throughout the years have taught Ortho-Bionomy courses in Japan, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, New Zealand and Jamaica. I train instructors, mentor practitioners, and write articles for newsletters in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. The July 2008 issue of Massage Magazine ran my article on Ortho-Bionomy. 
    During the past thirty years I have worked with thousands of people in pain in my Ortho-Bionomy private practice, and have developed release techniques for carpal tunnel syndrome and neuritis conditions of the arm and shoulder. In Self Care Seminars I observe the empowering results and the effectiveness of educating individuals to attune to comfort and to apply the principles and techniques of Ortho-Bionomy for pain relief. 
    My career path started with studies in massage and therapeutic bodywork in 1975 with John Davis, and later with noted physiotherapist, Lauren Berry. I did advanced training with the Lomi School founders, Robert Hall MD and Richard Heckler PhD , then took a one year course entitled “The Process of Psychotherapy” with Charles Davis, PhD. From 1978 to 1997 I trained in Ortho-Bionomy with British osteopath, Arthur Lincoln Pauls, founder of Ortho-Bionomy and became registered as a Practitioner and Advanced Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy in 1980. Functional Anatomy with Lynn Drummer, from the University of California Medical School at Davis, California added depth to my understanding.

With a respectful, playful and empowering approach, I enjoy teaching and encouraging self-discovery to enhance the quality of one's life.

Pain Relief that is natural
Luann Overmyer offers self care instruction
    Inspired by the self-care work of Gerda Alexander from Copenhagen, I studied “Eutony” with her in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 80’s, and began incorporating her concepts and techniques into my Ortho-Bionomy private practice and trainings. From 1988-1993 I received training in Cranial work with Jim Asher of the Cranial Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and attended courses in Body Mind Centering with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in Berkeley, California and at Esalen. In 1991 I began a course of study in Esoteric Healing with Dr. Barbara Briner, a cranial osteopath from Michigan State University that continued until 2001. More recently, I have studied Pediatric Cranial with Benjamin Shield, and trained in Bones for Life with Denise Deig MA PT.

    From 1990-1997 Kathy L. Kain and I co-directed Bay Area Ortho-Bionomy sponsoring six-week trainings in Ortho-Bionomy twice a year for seven years. Since 1983 I have been actively involved in the teaching and development of Ortho-Bionomy serving as Vice President on the Board of Directors for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International and on various committees including Practitioner Evaluation, Instructor Review, Publicity, and Curriculum Development. I have served as secretary on the Board of the Teleosis Foundation, supporting the practice of homeopathy and other ecological and sustainable forms of medicine, and have written for their online journal.
"Luanne is a master of Ortho-Bionomy®, both as a teacher and a practitioner. Her book on self-care offers a very effective way to take care of your body." 
Rouel Cazanjian from Mind Body Alignment 

"How does it get any better than LuAnn? Truly a gifted healer."
Kirby Howard
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