Ortho-Bionomy Phase 4, The Basics
Boca Raton, FL
1/11-12, 2025
Pre-requisites: None
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092
Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: The Therapeutic Alternative. 301 Camino Gardens Blvd, Suite 100. Boca Raton, FL 33432
Before 1/1
After 1/2
This class covers the history and principles of Ortho-Bionomy and specific points and positioning techniques to stimulate natural self-correcting neuro-muscular reflexes for most areas of the body. These techniques facilitate the release of pain and tension patterns, promote expanded range of motion, increased circulation, and a greater sense of well-being. This work is easy to learn, easy on your body, highly effective, and combines well with massage, bodywork, and any system of health care.
A valuable, dynamic tool for all massage therapists and bodyworkers, Ortho-Bionomy will help your clients rediscover ease and harmony in mind, body, heart and soul! Enroll and enjoy a dynamic, fun filled weekend. Luann creates an ideal climate for comfortable learning, balancing her workshops with respectful leadership and delightful spontaneity. Be prepared to learn and laugh, plus give and receive healing, rejuvenating bodywork.
Ortho-Bionomy Phase 5 and the Reflexes
Melbourne, Australia
Pre-requisites: Phase 4
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092
Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: Canterbury Neighborhood Centre, 2 Kendall St., Canterbury, Victoria, Australia 3126
Before 1/8
After 1/9
Phase 5 Ortho-Bionomy is about having a conversation with the tissue, not an argument.
The focus of Phase Five is to move to a more subtle level of awareness of the practice and principle of Ortho-Bionomy®. Specific techniques develop and increase the student's understanding and proprioceptive sensitivity to the self-corrective movements initiated by the client. Through the practice of observing, following and supporting subtle movement patterns, muscular tension is released, range of motion may be increased and pain may be reduced. The gentle and subtle approach of this work is especially appropriate for releasing severe, acute pain and chronic patterning, This class presents practical, gentle release techniques can seem almost magical in their effectiveness. Releases for psoas, pelvis, lumbars, coccyx, neck, shoulders, clavicle, ears, eyes, jaw and more will be presented and practiced.
Clarify your capacity to more clearly track mental, emotional and physical aspects
Observe and work with tissue preferences in relationship to structural alignment
Reinforce the body’s wisdom not the patient’s storylines Detect mood in the tissue
Use internal state shifts to influence and interrupt habituated storylines and holding patterns.
Ortho-Bionomy Phase 6
Hervey Bay, Australia
Pre-requisites: Phase 4 & 5
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092
Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: Suite 6, 40 Torquay Road, Pialba, Hervey Bay,QLDAustralia 4655
Before 1/14
After 1/15
This class heightens our sensitivity and awareness to energetic relationship. The techniques clarify the effects of interactions within the auric field that promote a natural return to physical, mental and emotional well-being. Students learn to notice and identify energetic shifts within themselves and others, and to model that capacity. They learn the value of "not doing" as the practitioner steps back to allow the client's self-healing capacities to engage. The concepts of alignment and attunement, holding space, interrupting patterns, and offering options will be explored as they relate to the natural reflexive responses of rebound, recoil, remembered emotional response, follow on response, and ongoing action.
Ortho-Bionomy Instructor Training Seminar
Hervey Bay, Australia
Pre-requisites: completion of 75% of Adv. Practitioner Program
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092
Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm
CE Hours: 40 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: Suite 6, 40 Torquay Road, Pialba, Hervey Bay,QLDAustralia 4655
Before 1/1
After 1/2
Do you have a passion for Ortho-Bionomy? The Instructor Training Program is an incredible growth process both personally and professionally. Your knowledge about Ortho-Bionomy and ability to share will expand amazingly through this process.
Practitioner Training
3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16/2025
Pre-requisites: Phase 4 & 5
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092 and Erin Long
Time: Wednesday 4:00 - 8:00pm
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: Online Seminar
Before 2/25
After 2/26
This Course addresses how to structure an Ortho-Bionomy bodywork sesssion as well as how to integrate the work with other modalities. Through discussion and exercises participants will delve deeply into the mechanisms which creates sessions that are coherent, fluid, and ultimately effective. In addition, issues related to the documentation of sessions, dealing with financial dynamics with clients, and creating appropriate boundaries between client and practitioner are addressed. Participants will be equipped with the skills to bring the professionalism and the compassion that dharactize Ortho-bionomy sessions into their practice.
Beyond Technique
Gainesville, FL
5/10-11, 2025
Pre-requisites: Phase 4 Recommended
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092
Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th Gainesville, Fl 32608
Before 4/10
After 4/11
This class is an exploration of the ways we use our intuition and experience to sense the flow, and blend the techniques that we use in our practice. How do we weave an interconnectedness within the session and in on-going sessions? Ortho-Bionomy is more than the application of technique. How do we experience and enhance our intuitive process for guidance and clarity? How do we track the client's progress? What larger paradigms do we use as metaphors for our work with people that clarify and define our larger scope of practice? Come prepared to share, learn and explore. Remember, in Ortho-Bionomy the “how is whole”. offfers a more wholistic perspective into treating the ongoing patterns that our clients present and new approaches to assessment and treatment.
Ortho-Bionomy Phase 5 and the Reflexes
Boca Raton, FL
5/31-6/1, 2025
Pre-requisites: Phase 4
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092
Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: The Therapeutic Alternative. 301 Camino Gardens Blvd, Suite 100. Boca Raton, FL 33432
Before 4/30
After 5/1
Phase 5 Ortho-Bionomy is about having a conversation with the tissue, not an argument.
The gentle and subtle approach of this work is especially appropriate for releasing severe, acute pain, chronic patterning, and for interrupting the mental and emotional fixated aspects that reinforce the tension patterns. This class presents practical, gentle release techniques can seem almost magical in their effectiveness. Releases for psoas, pelvis, lumbars, coccyx, neck, shoulders, clavicle, ears, eyes, and jaw will be presented and practiced.

Refine your subtle palpatory listening skills
Clarify your capacity to more clearly track mental, emotional and physical aspects
Observe and work with tissue preferences in relationship to structural alignment
Reinforce the body’s wisdom not the patient’s storylines
Detect mood in the tissue
Use internal state shifts to influence and interrupt habituated storylines and holding patterns.
Ortho-Bionomy Phase 5 and the Reflexes
St Augustine, FL
Pre-requisites: Phase 4
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092
Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: Mystic Light Center2825 North 10th. St. Suite C St. Augustine, FL
Before 6/8
After 6/9
Phase 5 Ortho-Bionomy is about having a conversation with the tissue, not an argument.
The focus of Phase Five is to move to a more subtle level of awareness of the practice and principle of Ortho-Bionomy®. Specific techniques develop and increase the student's understanding and proprioceptive sensitivity to the self-corrective movements initiated by the client. Through the practice of observing, following and supporting subtle movement patterns, muscular tension is released, range of motion may be increased and pain may be reduced. The gentle and subtle approach of this work is especially appropriate for releasing severe, acute pain and chronic patterning, This class presents practical, gentle release techniques can seem almost magical in their effectiveness. Releases for psoas, pelvis, lumbars, coccyx, neck, shoulders, clavicle, ears, eyes, jaw and more will be presented and practiced.
Clarify your capacity to more clearly track mental, emotional and physical aspects
Observe and work with tissue preferences in relationship to structural alignment
Reinforce the body’s wisdom not the patient’s storylines Detect mood in the tissue
Use internal state shifts to influence and interrupt habituated storylines and holding patterns.
Ortho-Bionomy Cranial
Gainesville, FL
Pre-requisites: Phase 4, 5 & 6
Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092
Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm
CE Hours: 24 credits FL and NCBTMB
Location: Florida School of Massage, 6421 SW 13th Street Gainesville, FL 32608
Before 6/24
After 6/25
This approach to cranial work blends Ortho-Bionomy‘s osteopathic roots with Arthur Pauls’ energetic / esoteric philosophy of the work. The subtle contact characteristic of cranial-sacral work fits perfectly into the spectrum of Ortho-Bionomy practice. In Ortho-Bionomy we work with the self-balancing and natural corrective reflexes of the organism. We approach the person as a whole being. We acknowledge in a very direct way the body structure in Phase 4, the internal fluid movement in Phase 5, the energy in Phase 6, and the spirit in Phase 7. In cranial work we are meeting and contacting the subtlest interface between body, fluids, energy and spirit as we observe how the person’s own self corrective capacity interacts to resolve physical and energetic misunderstandings and return the system to balanced physiologic motion.
Introduction to Bones For Life
Experience this easy to learn modality to encourage dynamic postural alignment, bone strengthening, and proportional flexibility. Clarify optimal relationships between the 3 primary spinal curves through gentle movement processes that explore functional gravitational impact on structure.
Advanced Phase 4 Study Group
This study group is a follow up only for folks who have recently taken the Advanced Phase 4 class.
Ortho-Bionomy and the Sand Dollar design are registered trademarks of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International and are used with permission.