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Ortho-Bionomy Phase 6
Asheville, NC
September 7 - 8
Pre-requisites: Phase 4, 5.

Instructors: Luann Overmyer LMT MA41092 

Time: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 6:00pm

CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB

Immerse yourself in the dance and flow of Ortho-Bionomy, and deepen your understanding of Ortho-Bionomy principles and practice in a week long Residential experience. Residential trainings provide participants with the opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding of Ortho-Bionomy techniques and principles through five days of uninterrupted study. Residentials allow time for learning and personal growth as well as relaxation to facilitate the integration of technique and the qualities of "BEing" rather than "Doing".
Before 8/9

After 8/8
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